So Sanddragon and I went to do some hacking....and Got COMPLETELY turned around in the bushes. We had no clue where we were going!. Seriously, we were in so deep that we made a full circle. Luckily we got rid of the wasps in the palm tree, and we sprayed insecticide in the staging area...flys dont want to even land there.
furthermore, please do not waist the chems i left at the trail. the was killer is only for thier nests and the ant/scorpion/spider spray is only for the staging area.
We could not build bunkers, seeing as i have wanted to expand the feild as much as possible, but we DID reach the clearing that Sanddragon and i have been itching to get to....We are FUCKED!!! sure it is great for an open field....only if we can get the 9ft tall sawgrass down.
If anywone has a lawn mower or atv that can help run all this stuff down, that would be great. the door at the entrance does open so we can get some type od vehicle in there to tear all that grass down and leave the tall trees. this will also help the trees grow outwards and that means more leaves and shade for us.
I will gladly put in the time and gass for mowing the stuff down, we just need something to chew up the grass so we can have an open field. a weed eater is too wimpy for it.