I arrived to the field and began working a bit more... It was 11:30 am and still no one showed up for any games...later on a few players dropped in but still not enough of them wanted to pay and play, later on they too left!
arround Noon another crew dropped in with about 8 players but they too stayed in and wasted time...some took a quick tour of the field and I continued working on the field trying to build another major field bunker...The rains then began to hit hard and steady around 2pm....at that tim the crew of PB field decided that no one was going to play so the field was shut down and they left.
Of course there was still a good possibility of getting off some good games if players attending did not arrive in mid afternoon where the possibility of mid afternoon storms erupt!
Also because players are all grumpy about a 15 dollar fee , prevented players from committing to a game....maybe the high threat of rain severely cuts into the game play but this is why you all gotta arrive really early and all at the same time!
maybe I will try to get them to reduce the rate for these bad days and low attendace maybe warrants an early bird special!.... kick starting an airsoft session is important!
several players actually arrived, waited and left... just missing each other on a potential game!
In all No games were held or played... Meanwhile I worked alone and of course, even some bum players were thinking they are too cool to help!
I had a very productive meeting with the land owner today and he likes the constructions and may next time help out by starting up his bulldozer!....some trees that are in the way MUST DIE!
Today I built a secret sniper tower... oh wait!... thats a secret!
Later on I heard from the Owner that some one came back and left a burnout doughnut on the grass while parking....These guys also took advantage of playing without paying...they werre caught by Ron who had to return... I do not know who it was but shame on you!