PB Matrix 1/29/2012
I arrived extra early today to a very packed field...today's game population was over 66 airsoft people and about 20 paintballers.
I Actually did not play a single game today and was busy re building a whole tire bunker and helping out the referees by being a referee!
I was the Monkey in the tree in the center of the field watching and Reffing from above...
A tactical kill switch device was presented to me today by a really hard core team Spaz op.
Team PMC also assisted in game marshaling...Unfortunatelly it was mostly a slaughter for the N00bs and a Clashing of Titans... the objective could not be reached as everyone was too busy targeting some one else!
From the Tree vantage point I was able to see both Japanese Bunker, The front part of German Base, and US and pipe bunker... this Center based tree forms a perfect catwalk from which I was pretty much able to see some great team play.
I also Hung my Big Boom box and blasted War Sound FX just like they do at the major CQB Facilities in California!.....I Hope You all had a Blast!
Between games I continued to move a few more Tires and Fortify the Japanese base a bit more....
It wasn't until we had a Medic game that I began to notice the full use of almost every bunker and pill box!
I was contemplating dismantling some fortifications but looks like nothing here is disfunctional.
Near the end of the day I ran out My Remote control aircraft RC DRAGON FLY and buzzed it around the parking lot to a dazzled crowd and as if the skies were not to be left uncontested, another cool player unleashed an I PAD controled AR1 DRONE UAV and that was the Buzz of the day!
Next week I hope to see attack tanks and battle choppers!