Today was an exceptionally challenging day as PB matrix had a very bad case of More Paintballer attendance than usual...There was a morning turnout of more than 80 players or more with half the people there as paint ballers.
But All was not fact the administration of referees were not paying attention to the buildup of waiting airsofters who were getting pretty pissed off after a very long wait.
It seem that the Paintballers were having more than 3 games of each a 20 minute run and someone who will probablly remain blameless but should bear the blame was sleeping on the job!
In Protest, an angry crew of PMC and HRO teams refunded there money and left for the FOX HOLE.
There were only a few handful of airsofters who stayed and waited even more as the paintballers got a few more games off...What is this bull shit...we are not getting no respect...something is disfunctionally wrong here, these guys are idiots!
The Paint ballers had a field day while I scolded some sense back into the administrators... eventually more than 40 more airsofters dropped in and games resumed from these late arrivals.
Aparentlly PB field Management was overwhelmed by the high spike in population and did not know how to deal with it, even getting bullheaded and posed in asshole mode...This is just wrong.
The Customer is always right and the service was not being agressive enough to host fast orderly games.
The airsofters actually outnumbered the paintballers at this time.
Also players sitting around did not help as much, unless they were being ignored.
How come the paint ballers got more turns?
In my oppinion the team standing ready should have assembled and waited, maybe even staring Leo down and anyone else to get hustling.
Around 12:30 almost all the airsofters cut out without ever playing a single game!
(CUBAN TIME at its max!)
The Idea that these teams left was in my book a bad blow.... The FOX HOLE may very well revive until the dog days of summer just because of this insident and I guess the Matrix field venue deserve to be punished by this protest because they did not seem to take the customer complaint seriously.
If This Was My ship I would be so pissed....PB matrix was sailing and could not handle a full capacity of an ever growing wind and instead cut sail and ran on humble storm sails... If It was up to me I would hoist more canvas and run the ship at maximume capacity!.... I would not waste the potential power of more customers, they should have been on there toes.- More Lazy Mentality!
Even more so, Their Reputation in my book seems to have been damaged and unfortunatelly I do not seem to see an indication of regret... but I am very sure that behind the scence there is a bitter regrett on how this day was played.
I stayed and hung out playing a few great games and it almost seemed that the incident did not happen at all!
I also took the time to come up with a few brain storm ideas on how to dictate a better session so that this kind of shit will never ever happen again!
I Came up with the Idea of errecting a special Clock system....It will be an altered large clock that will have its time face plate changed so that it will indicate a divided game session on the half hour...I will position about 4 of these clocks to operate in syichronalization and will have them set up in the rest area tent and in the field...The minute hand will indicate the time allowed fore each party until it crosses over and the game is ended no matter what!
I will also be modifying some small analog watches that will be worn by the referees... This Idea is not Cheap but a necessary evil!.....I'm gonna crack that whip and hopefully I will get the ones that chime too!
In theory the time should not have been wasted in between games for each party would have already reloaded racing the clock and had already picked teams as well as discuss the game type scenario.... This system may work even better as time goes on!.....Oh, and for the record I call dibs on Glory for thinking this idea up....This may be the only good idea I thought to address a very bad session.....I am going to Buy and Modify some Clocks and execute this new system like clock work!