Where some Venues are all closed minded about what goes on on other airsoft fields, some venues want to quietly study other venues and build even better inspiring layouts.
PB Matrix has done a great job playing catchup with the competition by adding better themed bases and setting up sandbags and bases with flag capture points....
The Owner builds his venue up like one of my sandcastles-
I see it like I would at a Sandcastle contest competition... a common tactic is to go occationally and spy on the competition and then return to your sandcastle build section to see if you can match the competition....Competition often drives venues to strive better and give their customers better experiences.This type of bunker building actually gives me a good reason why anyone would buy an airsoft RPG for bunker busting!
I got a bit of flak for posting a simlar post about competing airsoft fields for another airsoft field but they only wanna see shit thats on their own property posted!
...If I didn't give a shit, I wouldn't have bothered to type up my reports and post anything.....I am unwavered by Politics, theres no place for brattyness and whos dick is bigger , I like visiting different airsoft fields and looking at them like a work of art !....Call yer hits and hummbly tip yer hat to whoever won the day.
We all win when good things are built , the stage is set, now we only need the players to take the stage!